Saturday, October 30, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?

Jacob was admitted to Hasbro Children's Hospital on Thursday with... pneumonia. We will probably be discharged this afternoon or evening because he has been off oxygen and has been eating and drinking. We will begin a regimen at home of inhalers and antibiotics and I will be staying home to care for him. He cannot be exposed to his daycare environment because his lungs are susceptible to infection since battling the bacterial pneumonia a few weeks ago. Two hospitalizations within three weeks? I hope to never know what it is like to be a "frequent flier" because this is almost more than we can handle. Once again, if we didn't have our family to lean on we would be hit emotionally and financially. Hasbro is extremely family friendly. On our first day, a wagon came through with decorated pumpkins that were donated for the children at the hospital. It always makes me cry. You try to be so strong but can't help but be moved by the humanity of a simple gesture. The nursing staff is terrific and has welcomed my questions, willing to teach rather than tell me what is happening to our son. So we still have our eyes on December 22nd but have learned from our most recent experience to focus on treating him now and worrying about surgery later. It is what it is. There is no timeline for loving Jacob.

1 comment:

  1. Sheesh, Bethany! Enough with the drama! ;)

    I am thankful that we live so close to a wonderful Childrens Hospital. I just hate that we have to know that we live so close to a wonderful CH. :(

    Hoping this is the end of this junk for Jacob and you. And hoping that your staying at home with him is exactly what he needs to stay healthy & happy between now and surgery...

