Monday, February 18, 2019

This is it.

Jacob has been playing Challenger Division Little League for many years. He has learned sportsmanship and fundamental skills alongside other children with physical or developmental challenges. This year Jacob decided that he wanted to try out for the Minors Division. He was unsettled last year when he realized that his brother Matthew was playing on a team with some of his classmates. This was one of the reasons that Jacob began physical therapy (again) last April. I wanted to give him a chance.

I registered him last week and we bought him his first pair of cleats and a new pair of sneakers this weekend. I've had him palming a baseball in his right hand. He will need to catch and throw with his left hand so in between he needs to get the ball out of the glove and get the glove off of his hand. I know about Jim Abbott - we've watched videos of him. Jacob is no Jim Abbott... neither are most of the children who play Little League.

Matt has been an assistant coach for many years. He's worried about Jacob and how the other children will treat him. I told him I'm not trying to change the children. I'm depending on the adults. I've seen plenty of boys strike out. I've seen plenty of boys fail to catch the ball. Jacob will be no different.

This is it. He will try out on his own terms. He will play the way he knows how. He is so brave. I believe in him always.