"Bruh-Bruh... tae... seat... beht... off". (Brother take seat belt off.)
"I... wan... ehwmo... jew... pea". (I want Elmo juice please.)
"Nigh-nigh. Dar... ow... side. Sun... go... nigh-nigh. Puh... jym... on". (Night-night. Dark outside. Sun go night-night. Put jammys on.)
"Pay... ow... side... get... home". (Play outside get home.)
Jacob's word combinations are growing.
His body is stronger. He is running. He is lifting both arms up in the air, at the same time, straight up to the sky.
He is following directions and redirection.
He is becoming Matthew's playmate, his friend.
Jacob makes my heart full!!! (Matthew, too)
ReplyDelete:) :) :)
Grandma Christe