Monday, December 13, 2010


Three-and-a-half hours later, we are moving forward with surgery. I nearly gasped when I saw Jacob's chest x-ray with these large cloudy masses near the bottom of each lung and then I realized that we were looking at his liver and his stomach. His physical exam went well. The phlebotomist drew blood on the first try. Amazing! Jacob usually ends up with about 5 bandages and bruising whenever he needs a blood test. So no news will definitely be good news in the next few days as the blood tests are run and the x-ray is examined. He will probably be scheduled for surgery at 7:30 am next Wednesday and it will last about 6 hours. I almost lost it when we were talking to an anesthesiologist about the procedure because it's really not as simple as knocking someone out and disconnecting their brains. As his neurosurgeon described him, however, Jacob is ROBUST. He will tolerate the procedure well. He is 33 pounds and 3 feet tall.


  1. Great to hear - Jacob and your entire family are in our prayers.

  2. Your family has been in my thoughts as well.

  3. i am praying for you, jacob and the rest of your family...

  4. I'll pray for Jacob too. :)
