Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jacob B.

Sunscreen. Check. Diapers and Wipes. Check. Toy Story Lunch Box. Ready. Crackers, Baked Beans, Noodles, Cookies, Juice Boxes, and Cheese. Ice Cream? And with a Sharpie marker I label his sundries "Jacob B." Tomorrow is Jacob's first half-day of daycare to prepare him for the fall when he will go five full-days a week. We have had the luxury of placing Jacob with our parents because they offered and he needed to be. However, Jacob will be two-years-old in the fall and needs the opportunity to use his social emotional skills as a developmental tool. But... tomorrow is Jacob's first half-day and although I will be spending quality time with Matthew, I will imagine Jacob at my side. I will not cry. Jacob is irresistible and will be well cared for but please Jacob... be safe tomorrow.


  1. I can't wait for tomorrow's update. I seem to find myself at the computer around the same time each night looking for the newest Jacob posting. Even if circumstances were different, you'd probably cry anyway so don't sweat it!

    All our Love!
    The Millers

  2. It's hard to trust our typ-sters in the care of others...even more so our special kiddos. But I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how healthy it is for both of you!

