Jacob. Ten-months old. Drool drenched Harvard onesie. Crooked smile.
Many months before neurosurgery when he was having seizures and I was at war with his brain.
Jacob's Hemi-Day is December 22nd and I find myself counting down again as I had a year ago.
Matt was in Boston on Christmas Eve and I was there on Christmas Day so one of us would be home with Matthew. I remember dragging a gigantic black garbage bag full of presents from the parking garage to Jacob's room in the ICU.
The little Christmas tree given to us at the hospital is on Matthew's bureau. We placed it at the end of Jacob's bed when he was in Boston so he could see the lights. I hung the guardian angel that was tied to Jacob's bed on our tree.
I feel sad for Matt and Beth now.
But I was at war then. Annihilation of seizures.
Success. Jacob is fabulous. He "pay fend" every day. He "wake up bruh-bruh seep" every morning. He "ee aye-heem now" every afternoon. And he "nigh-nigh Mommy bed" every night.